There’s something fun for everyone when it comes to summer reading!
We offer summer reading programs for kids, teens and adults.
Summer programs end on Thursday, August 29th at the library, but some of our Summer Reading Clubs will continue:
1. Summer Reading for Kids will continue until September 7th. Kids will have until then to get the last of their ballots, stickers and pieces for Bob and Stuart’s spaceship. We’ll draw for all the prizes on Monday, September 9th and notify all winners later that day.
2. Teen Summer Reading will continue until Saturday, September 7th as well. The remainder of the prizes to be won will be available until that date–don’t forget to bring in your Teen brochure!
3. Adult Summer Reading ends on Thursday, August 29th. We’ll draw for the prizes then, but spice kits for the week of August 26-31 will still be available.
Download our Summer Calendars & start planning!
We'll post more information about each program on our Facebook page.
Many programs are drop ins, but some require registration. Please check the calendar closely to avoid disappointment.
TD Summer Reading Club
Summer reading is all about having fun and reading what YOU want. There are no special books to read, and we’ll always have plenty of suggestions. Each summer, we have a new theme and new things to do, but the ideas are generally the same for the way it runs.
Once you pick up a registration kit, begin reading! Bring back the booklet inside the kit with THREE books read that week and we’ll give out a sticker, a ballot for one of our giant Squishmallow prizes and a fun piece for our summer reading wall. If you don’t bring the booklet back, we can’t give out rewards (but we can catch you up the next time you bring it in.)
Please remember, this is a summer reading program. We are not looking for kids to complete their summer reading the fastest—it’s all about reading all summer long and enjoying the process. Only one reward per visit (that means you can’t read books here and get more rewards before you leave).
Looking for more? Children can visit the TD Summer Reading Club website for activities, reading lists, accessible booklets, and much more!
Summer Literacy Tutoring
Our Summer Literacy Tutoring program runs from July through the middle of August for kids who have been in Kindergarten to Grade 2 this past school year. In early May, we contact all local schools and ask teachers to recommend students for the program–those kids who might benefit from a few weeks of tutoring one-on-one to help with the summer reading slump. Our tutors prepare lessons based on the teacher reports and work with their students for a 2-week period to help strengthen skills, work on reading confidence, and encourage a love a books and reading that will hopefully carry through to the next school year.
This is a very popular program and spaces fill up quickly. Once all spaces are full, we will still offer a weekly “Flex Friday” reading buddy style session with the tutors that is open to everyone each week, even if they are not participating in the literacy tutoring program. Registration begins on the Monday of each week. Please call the library at 257-2702 for more information.
Summer Reading Challenges
Teen Summer Reading is THE program of the summer!
Readers currently in Grade 5 and older can join our Teen Summer Reading challenge. Each summer, they can begin reading when our Summer Reading Kick Off begins! Please see our June calendar of events for all the details.
The booklet is filled with fun things to do—games, activities, book lists and more! But the most important thing is the back of the booklet—our Teen Summer Reading Challenge Bingo card. Read a book that corresponds to each square, bring your booklet back to the library and receive a scratch ticket. Each scratch ticket gives you the chance to win a great prize!
The Prizes range from candy and other fun treats, to gift cards and even secret prizes! It’s ALWAYS a great summer!
Summer Reading Program
Adult Summer Reading begins again at our Library Lemonade Stand event!
Pick up your Summer Reading welcome kit and read whatever you want this summer for great rewards! Write a review to be entered to win fun prizes this summer!

Accessibility for kids
Our summer programs are open to children of all abilities. Does your child have an accessibility need? Please talk to staff about ways we can accomodate.
The TD Summer Reading Club has accessible booklets and reading materials for children with reading issues such as dyslexia or visual impairment.
Email our Children’s Librarian, Heidi, at for more information.